Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Show Booking and Promoting 101

So here it is finally. My take on properly booking and promoting a show. Not that I am the total Jedi master, but I do have some years under my belt.

Enjoy! Don't forget to leave comments if you dig it (or if you think I'm a retard!)

Show Booking and Promoting 101!

So you got a band, you got some tunes. Your friends seem to dig it and your mom. You are ready for the world of live shows! Or maybe you are in a band that has already played out somewhat but are looking for some tips to improve your game... Either way I got you covered...

Part 1 - The Hard Part - Getting the Gig

For most bands this is the hardest part of the game. Obtaining the gig to showcase your "business". I consider a band a business, if you run a tight respectful business you will always have "customers" (IE; people wanting your band to play shows) If you are a shitty boss for your company no one will want to buy your product (IE; your band). Get it?

Here's my tips for getting your feet wet the first few times:

1. Network your friends who are in likewise bands (if this applies) Most the time people get shows by word of mouth from their friends. Before you ask for help make sure the people you are asking don't think you are a complete asshole however. I have had this happen where people asked for shows, went to one of their "friends" to get some background on them and their own friends said they were assholes and not to deal with them!

2. Find a cool Booker / Promoter that needs opening bands. Explain to them that you are new to the scene you want to get your feet wet and you aren't looking for tons of money, time or a bucket of just green M&M's. Most likely the promoter will appreciate it because most the time touring bands come with a big price that puts the pinch on time slots and money that other local bands get.

Even if they don't need bands at the time that you contact them, making them aware of you is always good. However don't drive them nuts. One email will do. People sometimes send me 8 emails in a row about getting a show. I admire their enthusiasm, but enough is enough. Sometimes people make me want to stab my computer. If you can annoy the promoter without even doing business with them yet, not a good sign!!

3. Talk to the people at the clubs you go to. This is probably the hardest, because most the time people who run clubs are insanely busy. However if you are a regular at a venue and the staff knows you chances are they will give you time to make a plea. Probably even blindly book you.

4. If all else fails, make demos get out to shows and start handing those bitches out! You can talk for your band all day long but at the end of the day the music has to speak for itself. Not everyone is going to listen to your myspace. Sometimes you have to do it the hard way.

Which takes us to part 2.....
Promoting Your Band!!

I'm from the old school. For the most part most of us old people believe that hard D.I.Y. ethics died with the electronic age. Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, etc has made people lazy. With the click of a mouse and a few words they can post shows, bulletins about shows and make flyers using photoshop. Don't get me wrong it has made things easier, but it comes with downfalls.

As much as the bands of the scenes have gotten lazy and don't make demos to hand out or flyers to pass out anymore... The labels, promoters, clubs etc have gotten lazy too. People can just email instead of talking now and with that people get bombarded with emails so a lot of times people and bands get ignored.

Even with technology however I can tell you that your fans or your "could be" fans would much rather have a paper flyer to save or a burnt demo CD than having to look at your myspace page for it. It gives them something to take with them a souvenir of sorts. Of for fuck sake even a flyer with your logo and myspace address on it. Something physical. It leaves a lasting impression.

Things to do to Promote Your Band

1. Flyers! Actual paper ones! People really do keep these. I know I always do. Most the time they remind me when I pull them out of my pocket the next day, if nothing else I end up looking the band up online.

2. Demos! Even if they were recorded on your granny's karaoke machine, it's better than nothing. They don't need to be pretty a cdr and a website address and logo will do.

3. Be nice. No one likes dickheads. Even if you know your band is fucking awesome, don't be a pompous cocksucker. Let people figure it out on their own. Nothing is worse than an ego. I can't stand people with big heads. Everyone should be your friend in the beginning the music world is a dog eat dog business there is plenty of time later to make enemies! Trust me.!

4. Don't be a jock rider. No one gives a fuck about who you are friends with in bigger bands. If your band sucks, it doesn't matter if Lemmy Killimeister is your uncle or not - doesn't stop your band from sucking!

5. Network! Deliver pizza for a living? Talk about your band! Wait tables? Tell people about your band! Go to other shows!

And Most Importantly!!!!

Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!! HAVE FUN!

No one joins a band to be miserable. You picked up your instrument for the first time and had FUN! A lot of people can never remember that after they have been in a good band for a couple years they loose sight over the reason they did it in the first place. Something to always remember.

And last but not least...

Some Tips to Not Forget!

1. Promote!! Network!!! Hard work yields good shows.

2. Treat people like you want your band treated. You act like a fucking asshat, chances are people are going to give it right back to you and the rest of your band.

3. No one cares who your friends are! Only if you suck or not.

4. Don't blame your shitty turnout on your promoter / booker. OK, some of it lays within the promoter but I would go to say at least 75% of the draw is YOUR BAND. No fans? Shitty show. Simple mathematics. Promoters aren't miracle workers. It's a very thankless job, so be nice to them.

5. Never demand shit! Always ask. Unless you are making over a 6 figure income a year and your first name is Gene and your last name is Simmons don't make demands to venues/promoters/bookers. You just look like an ass.

6. IF it ceases to be FUN, it's not worth it!

-Evil Abby 10.21.09

Keep checking back! Keep it evil!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blitzkid returns to The Nasty Nati!

Details are coming along currently but this is what is solid so far!

December 4th @ Dirty Jacks 18+ (sorry young ones! The Hatter was booked solid :( )

With support by your fave Nasty Nati bands
The Reanimated (always classy....)
Shriek (Yes! The fucking return! So metal it will be titanium!)
Pumpkin Slut (They'll fuck your sister for free....maybe throw candy and condoms at your face.)
Season of the Witch (Not "Seasons" retards. )

Details to come! Now subscribe to this blog like good minons.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's Alive!!

I've spent a lot of time at home as of lately because my gallbladder's rebellion to stay inside me and be quiet. So with my new found free time I've been attempting to update all my stuff - including this blog and all of my promoting and booking business stuff.

So with that I plan to write a series of little how-to's on here, relating to working with bands and what-not. The bulk of questions I get from random people have urged me to just write it all out. So stay tuned should be having a plentiful update on here in the next couple days!